Home Woronoff-Psoriasis-Kopfhaut


On Aug 1, 1976 N S Penneys (and others) published: Pathogenesis of Woronoff ring in psoriasis.

Ob es möglich ist, lindinet 20 bei einer Psoriasis zu trinken

1. Int J Dermatol. 1971 Oct-Dec;10(4):233-6. The Woronoff ring of psoriasis: study of a patient. Koplon BS, Waterson KW Jr, Shapiro.

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On Feb 1, 2003 S Varma (and others) published: The Woronoff ring in psoriasis.
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Woronoff’s ring is a section of paler-than-normal (hypopigmented) skin which can sometimes be found surrounding a psoriasis plaque, especially those being treated.
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• As a result of ultraviolet light and coal tar therapy, a white ring (Woronoff) may develop in the normal skin adjacent to psoriatic plaques. Injection.
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To the Editor.—Recently, Woronoff's ring of psoriasis has been shown to be an area in which prostaglandins (PG) are absent or are synthesized in very low concen.
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Psoriasis: Koebner's Phenomenon and Woronoff's Ring Published on Physicians Practice ( Psoriasis: Koebner's Phenomenon and Woronoff.


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